Monday, December 22, 2008

Take Charge of Your Health Care Carnival - December 22, 2008

Welcome to the December 22, 2008 edition of take charge of your health care. First of all I would like to wish every one of our readers a happy holiday. Chanukah, the Jewish festival of lights, begins today. I am getting ready to celebrate as I edit this carnival. To our Christian friends, have a very Merry Christmas on Thursday. A Happy Kwanzaa to those that celebrate this harvest festival.

As we approach our shortest day in the Northern hemisphere, it is interesting that so many cultures and religions celebrate with a festival of lights. It is definitely a feel good time of the year. Take some time out this holiday to enjoy your family and friends and experience the gift of giving to those less fortunate.

We had a large number of excellent submissions this month. Some of the posts on diet and fitness will help you make those resolutions for the New Year. Since I am the sole editor for this carnival, please don’t submit more than 2 posts per author. This will help me keep the editing job manageable and allow me to publish the carnival in a timely manner. To all of our readers, have a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. See you next year with our January 22, 2009 edition.

Alternative Medicine

Fiona King presents
Coping with Crohn’s Disease: 100 Helpful Resources and Communities posted at Nursing Assistant Central. Editor’s note: If you are living with Crohn’s Disease, you will find this informative list of resources helpful.

Erika Collin presents
Back to Nature: Top 100 Herbal Medicine Blogs posted at, saying, “We’ve put together a list of the best herbal medicine blogs to help you get pointers on everything from gardening to herbal supplements for weightlifting and a whole lot more.”

Matthew presents
Allergies posted at Fast Medical Information, saying, "An allergy is a reaction which is exaggerated in our immune system in response to a foreign substance, these are harmless and would not usually trigger a response in non-allergic people. The substances that produce allergy are known as allergens, and these could be dust mites, mold, dander, foods or pollen."

Valeria presents 10 Benefits of Meditation and How to Do It posted at Timeless Lessons, saying, “When expert Asian meditators began arriving in the West in the ’60s and early ’70s, researchers jumped at the opportunity to hook them up to EEGs and EKGs to test their unusual powers and abilities. Before long, Westerners were becoming adept at meditation themselves, and scientific attention turned to the potential health benefits of regular practice.”

Sarah Scrafford presents 50 Pricey Spa Treatments You Can Do at Home posted at National Massage Certification, saying, “just because you’re out of extra funds and extra time doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice the relaxation and indulgence of a spa treatment. Below are 50 treatments you can do in the peace and comfort of your own home.”

Dean Moyer presents Sciatica Relapse Question posted at The Back Pain Blog, saying, "Could saline solution be the next big thing for treating sciatica? I know it sounds far fetched, but in a fairly recent study it did demonstrate the same effectiveness as epidural steroid injections. How it works is not yet clear, but it does present another possibility for people dealing with sciatic nerve pain."

Data SystemsPlus - Health Info presents
Relieving Constipation With Evercleanse posted at Evercleanse - $25 Off Offer! Editor’s note: Some good advice for a common problem.

Consumer Driven Health Care

Sarah Scrafford presents Top 50 Eastern Medicine Blogs posted at, saying, “Eastern medicine is starting to play a larger role in Western health care facilities and research studies, from acupuncture to herbal remedies. To learn more about the ancient but still popular medical traditions from the East, visit these blogs.”

Matthew presents Advance Medical Directives posted at Fast Medical Information, saying, "Advance directives refers to specific treatment preferences of a patient and also the designation of a decision-maker if the patient themselves is unable to make their own decisions. This includes a living will, the power of attorney and health care proxy."

Atif Farid presents Say YES to a healthy heart posted at dratiffarid. Editor’s note: The author presents 8 lifestyle modification tips that can help prevent heart disease.

Heather Johnson presents
100 Global Health Blogs That Will Open Your Eyes posted at U.S. PharmD. Editor’s note: The author has provided a great list of health and medical care blogs.

Heather Johnson presents Top 50 Medical Ethics Blogs posted at U.S. PharmD, saying, “From bioethics to law and medicine to pharmaceutical ethics, the following blogs will help you stay on top of the medical ethics in this tumultuous health care era.”

Alvin Hopkinson presents Relief From Gout - How to Gain Comfort posted at Relief From Gout - How to Gain Comfort, saying, "Depending on the severity of the gout there are different methods used for treating it. Relief from gout comes from a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary modifications and exercising."

Matthew presents Treating Allergies At Home posted at Fast Medical Information, saying, "If you have any allergies then the best treatment is always avoidance rather than treating the symptoms once they appear. This means avoiding the allergens that trigger the symptoms in the first place."

Peter Garant presents Better Air through Cool Mist Humidifiers posted at Humidifier Reviews, saying, "Your doctor or physician may have just told you that you need a cool mist humidifier, C but you have no idea what that is exactly."

Sarah Scrafford presents 100 Terrific Mindhacks to Make the Most of Your Brain posted at Find Schools Editor’s note: The author has presented 100 tips for keeping your mind in tip top shape.

Alvaro Fernandez presents Cognitive screenings and Alzheimer's Disease posted at SharpBrains, saying, "The Alzheimer's Foundation of America just released a thoughtful report advocating for widespread cognitive screenings after the age of 65 (55 given the right conditions)."

Diet & Fitness

Helene Zemel presents Introducing GeneWize LifeMap Nutrition™ System posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, “All of us have unique nutritional needs. The GeneWize LifeMap Nutrition™ System is the first scientifically supported nutritional supplement program that utilizes your DNA to create a custom nutritional supplement formula that contains the nutrients your body really needs.”

Alvaro Fernandez presents
Brain Fitness 2: Sight & Sound, at PBS posted at SharpBrains, saying, "PBS just announced the second installment of their popular Brain Fitness Program show: "Join host Peter Coyote in "Brain Fitness 2: Sight & Sound," the follow-up to "The Brain Fitness Program," as he explores the brain's ability to change and grow, even as we age, helping us maintain and improve our vision and hearing.""

Aparna presents Sleep duration and weight gain posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming, saying, "If you have a tendency to put on weight, better keep a watch on your sleeping hours. A Canadian study has found that too much or too little sleep could lead to unhealthy weight gain. The study was carried out on 276 people for a period of 6 years. The findings from the study revealed that short sleepers (who sleep for 5-6 hours) were 35 percent more likely to gain 11 pounds than average-duration sleepers, while long sleepers (9-11 hours) were 25 percent more likely to gain 11 pounds than average-duration sleepers (7-8 hours). Furthermore, it was found that short sleepers gained 58 percent more around their waists and 124% more body fat than the average sleeper. The results of this study clearly indicate that besides sedentary lifestyle, genetic predisposition, and excessive bingeing, improper sleep duration also contributes to weight gain and obesity."

Cory presents Frequent Small Meal Diet posted at Eating Healthy, saying, "Did you know that eating many small meals every day is actually healthier than the traditional 2-3 large meals?"

Mr. Hamburguesa presents The Hamburger Is Going To Make A Comeback posted at Hamburger, saying, "Hamburger consumption is about to rise, big time." Editor’s note: Interesting take on the much maligned hamburger. Try using ground beef with a much lower fat content.”

Atif Farid presents 25 reasons to QUIT smoking posted at dratiffarid, saying, “No matter how old you are or how long you’ve smoked, quitting can help you live longer and be healthier.”

Margaret Garcia presents Hearty Advice : 6 Surefire Tips to Get Heart Healthy - Ultrasound Technician Schools posted at Ultrasound Technician Schools. Editor’s note: The author presents 6 easy to follow heart healthy tips.

Joel Gray presents Exercise And Stop Smoking Health Tips 101 posted at Health Tips 101, saying, “The decision to quit smoking will bring with it other changes in your life.”

Ralph Jean-Paul presents Keep Your New Year's Resolutions posted at Potential 2 Success, saying, "“"Start sticking to those New Year’s Resolutions by learning what resolutions really are, why some resolutions don’t work, and how to follow through on them.""

swapnil warang presents How to know if you are underweight posted at switch2life. Editor’s note: Good information on how to calculate the BMI (Body Mass Index).

The Push Up Coach presents Various Types Of Pushups posted at 1000 Pushups, saying, "The various types of pushups you can do."

Cory Albertson presents An Oldie but a Goodie posted at Eating Healthy, saying, "One of the easiest and cheapest (hey who isn’t looking for cheap ways to stay in shape nowadays!) fitness methods is the good old pushup."

Vic presents Make Your Own Organic Yogurt At Home... posted at Yogurt Maker Central, saying, "If you're concerned about the number and amount of artificial colors, flavors and preservatives in commercially produced yogurt, then you might like to try making yogurt at home. Using only the best organic products as ingredients you'll be able to make fresh homemade yogurt - a healthy snack for the whole family."

Joel Gray presents Dieting Tips for the Holiday Season posted at Health Tips 101, saying, “It is during this holiday season that we will have to not only find the will power to push ourselves away from the dinner table but to also try and find a balance between the foods we love so much and our decision to watch our weight.”

pnreddy presents 5 Rules To Follow For Eating Before Exercise posted at Fitness Health Editor’s note: The author presents some very sound advice about eating before exercising.

pnreddy presents Important Facts To Consider Regarding Healthy Weight Loss! posted at Weightloss Diet Watch. Editor’s note: More sound and sensible advice for achieving a healthy weight loss.

Julie maloney presents How I lost 60 pounds posted at The Cool Mom Guide. Editor’s note: You will find this blog post very inspirational, as did I, about the importance of finding a fun activity for weight loss and fitness.

GrrlScientist presents America's Food Availability Crisis posted at Living the Scientific Life, saying, "One thing that the Thanksgiving Holidays has made clear: America, the land of plenty where holiday overeating is celebrated as a social good, is suffering from a food availability crisis. Food availability affects family life as well as life-long eating patterns and overall health."

Alvin Hopkinson presents Key to Successful Weight Loss - 6 Tips to Get You There posted at Fat Loss Diet Blog - Effective Weight Loss Tips, saying, "Many people are looking for that one diet scheme that will actually work. Here are 6 tips that will help you to lose the weight and keep it off!"

Alvin Hopkinson presents
Foods for High Blood Pressure posted at High Blood Pressure Treatment and Medication Reviews, saying, "Foods for high blood pressure are important to maintain a low blood pressure and minimize the affects of the annoying side effects caused by these medications."

Helene Zemel presents Turkey Stuffing with Cinnamon Goodness posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "The beneficial effects of cinnamon on glucose metabolism have been well publicized. There have been numerous scientific studies that have demonstrated that cinnamon improves blood glucose levels in Type 2 Diabetics as well as lowering lipid and triglyceride levels. This delicious stuffing recipe is filled with cinnamon goodness, and you can adjust the amount of sugar used or even use a sugar substitute. Happy holidays."

brigid presents Brain Fitness at the New York Public Library posted at New York Public Library, saying, "After attending a recent staff training session offered by the library's Office of Staff Development, I decided to return to a habit of my childhood--eating sardines."

Garcia presents It Ain’t What You Eat: Understanding What Actually Causes High Cholesterol posted at Pharmacy Technician Certification. Editor’s note: The author provides some good information on both HDL and LDL cholesterol.

MCA presents Does Caffeine Raise Your Blood Glucose Levels? My Caffeine Addiction posted at Caffeine Addiction, saying, "How caffeine affects your blood sugar levels"

ChristianPF presents The Dangers of genetically modified foods (VIDEO) posted at A Natural Organic, saying, "An eye-opening video showing what is really going on with our food supply"

Keira presents Surfing and Wakeboarding for Weight Loss posted at Weight Ladder, saying, “Surfing and wakeboarding are two excellent examples of ways that you can lose weight non-traditionally, while still having a lot of fun in the process.”

Alan H. Wayler, PhD presents How Much Stress Do Weight Worries Create for You? posted at A Weight Lifted, saying, “What we often don't realize, however, is how much concern about weight can cloud all we do, adding stress to even the happiest situations.”

Health Insurance

Matthew Paulson presents Health Insurance To-Do's When You Lose Your Job posted at American Consumer News, saying, “Unless your insurance coverage continues as a requirement of a severance package, you are likely to be left seeking good insurance coverage on your own.”

Insurance Toolbox presents Are You Self Employed? Get Inexpensive Health Insurance With Sam's Club posted at Insurance Toolbox. Editor’s note: According to the author, Sam’s Club is now launching an inexpensive health insurance plan. This would be worth looking into.

Khan presents Health Insurance Options for Students posted at Higher Education and Career Blog, saying, "Having difficulty deciphering your health care options? Before you hand over all that paperwork to your employer, make sure you choose the coverage plan that’s best for you."

Ben presents Year End Policy Review Tips for Lowering Rates and Checking Coverage posted at Money Smart Life, saying, "Here are some year-end moves you can make with your insurance policies to help lower your rates and make sure you have enough coverage for next year.”

Save Money on Health Care

Aparna presents Swimming in over-chlorinated pools can have adverse effects on your skin, hair and teeth posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming, saying, "If wading in the cool waters of a swimming pool during weekends is your idea of breaking from the monotony and humdrum of daily activities, then you are indeed a wise fitness freak, who combines leisure, hobby and exercise in an amazing way. And why not - swimming is one of the best aerobic exercises around with tremendous health benefits. children in the swimming poolHowever there are certain tribulations that have to be faced. Most swimming pools, especially in the third world countries use chlorine as it is the cheapest and one of the most efficient ways of disinfecting the waters. The chlorine levels in the pool waters have to be monitored constantly and regulated carefully to maintain a recommended pH level. Correct levels of chlorine in waters don’t pose much of a health hazard. But if the level becomes too high, the water can become acidic and swimming in such over-chlorinated waters can cause many problems."


bookfundas presents How to Develop a Perfect Memory: DOWNLAOD eBOOK NOW..! posted at, saying, "Dominic O’Brien won the title of World Memory Champion two years in a row, and also holds two Guinness records for memory. How does he do it? In this book, Dominic reveals his system and explains how it can help readers to remember names, faces, telephone numbers, learn languages and pass exams. As you work your way through the book you will learn techniques for mastering school work, memorizing for interviews, how to use your memory for a diary, memorize decks of cards and learn foreign languages in a matter of weeks! With a little bit of effort you will be reciting poems, speeches and 100’s of digits of Pi with ease!"

GrrlScientist presents Why Do We Yawn? posted at Living the Scientific Life, saying, "Even though yawning is a very common behavior among all vertebrates, the physiological and evolutionary reasons for yawning behavior are poorly understood. [excessive yawning has medical implications and also is associated with certain psychiatric medications]"

Gil Ortiz presents gilocafe posted at gilocafe. Editor’s note: Thanks for sharing this travelogue of Mexico. Travel is definitely a stress reducer and good for our emotional health.

Joe Manausa presents What is a RSS Subscription? posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "Have you ever noticed that anytime you read a blog, there is a Subscription Button that encourages you to subscribe to it? Well, I have been questioned about this often enough to recognize that most readers do not understand how RSS works and why bloggers should continue to explain it in order to expand their subscribers list."

ChristianPF presents How to make homemade air freshener posted at Money in the Bible Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "It is really easier than I thought it would be!"

Sarah presents The Rules of Five and Seven Card Stud Poker posted at Female Poker Player, saying, "Before the surge in popularity of Texas Hold’Em Poker, Five and Seven card stud were the most popular poker games played in the US."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of take charge of your health care using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Introducing GeneWize LifeMap Nutrition™ System

All of us have unique nutritional needs. Everyone at some point will feel the effects of aging, but some of us will come down with lifestyle related conditions such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases much sooner than others. In addition, we all have a different response to how our bodies respond to food, physical activity, and environmental stresses such as exposure to chemicals in our environment, pollution and sun damage. These differences that can lead some of us to experience premature damage to our skin and health can be attributed to the small variations in our genes that make us unique individuals.

It is known that oxygen free radicals have a damaging effect on the body. This effect is even more profound in those that have a genetic predisposition to the effects of oxidative stress. Scientific research has shown that consuming fruits and vegetables with a high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value may help slow the aging process. The ORAC value is a method of measuring the ability of foods and other substances to reduce oxygen free radicals. A recent study done at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston showed that rats fed a diet high in ORAC activity, such as spinach, strawberries, and blueberries, showed an increase in the level of antioxidants in their blood and were protected against damage to their capillaries and to their long-term memory and learning ability. See the article “Can Foods Forestall Aging?” at:

I recently came across an innovative company that has been in the news. The name of the company is GeneWize, a subsidiary of Gene Link, a publicly traded company. The GeneWize LifeMap Nutrition™ System is the first scientifically supported nutritional supplement program that utilizes YOUR DNA to create a custom nutritional supplement formula that contains the nutrients your body really needs. The LifeMap nutrition is formulated just for you based on an analysis of your specific DNA. The custom tailored GeneWize nutritional supplements are high in the antioxidants and phytonutrients that your body needs. GeneWize LifeMap Nutrition™ also has a high ORAC value.

These customized products were formerly only available at expensive spas. Now everyone can benefit from 100% product personalization based on a personal DNA assessment. For more information on this innovative company, visit: .

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Stuffing with Cinnamon Goodness

The beneficial effects of cinnamon on glucose metabolism have been well publicized. There have been numerous scientific studies that have demonstrated that cinnamon improves blood glucose levels in Type 2 Diabetics as well as lowering lipid and triglyceride levels.

Every Thanksgiving, our family gets together with some close friends that we met when we were both homeschooling our daughters. The wife and mother of the family that we share Thanksgiving with is an excellent cook. She makes all of the trimmings from salad and appetizer through dessert, but it is my turkey and stuffing that everyone requests.

I make the turkey in the traditional way, but I use a sweet stuffing recipe that I inherited from my mother. I am not one to use measuring spoons and cups, so my measurements are approximate. Actually for best results, give a quick taste to the mixture and sweeten according to your taste. I have made some recommendations for adapting the recipe for diabetics who must watch their sugar intake. For best results cook your turkey in a moderate oven and baste frequently.

Here is my stuffing recipe:


1 loaf of white bread
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 small bananas (apples) cut up
1/4 cup of chopped chestnuts (optional and in season)
1 or 2 eggs for moistness


Moisten the loaf of white bread and break apart into a mixing bowl. Add 1 or 2 eggs for additional moistness. Add the cut up fruit slices. Add sugar and cinnamon. You can use more or less of the recommended sugar and cinnamon to taste. Mix well until you get a smooth consistency. Stuff the turkey and cook as you would with any other stuffing.

This stuffing can be used with chicken or Cornish hens. As an alternative, you can bake in the oven at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. This makes a tasty bread pudding.

For those who must control their sugar intake, fructose makes an excellent substitute for sugar and has a similar consistency. Also, any sugar substitutes designed for baking can be substituted for the sugar. As an alternative, simply reduce the amount of sugar used in the recipe.

Happy holidays!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Take Charge of Your Health Care Carnival - November 22, 2008

Welcome to the November 22, 2008 edition of Take Charge of your Health Care. Here in the States the Thanksgiving holiday is soon to be upon us. I wish all of you in the U.S. a Happy Thanksgiving. Actually whether you live in the United States or elsewhere, every day should be a thanksgiving. We must always be thankful for the continued good health of our friends and family.

Here in the United States, we have just had an election that is promising to bring change. We wish our new President-elect well, and hope that he will be an influence for world peace, environmental health, and here in the U.S., at last, affordable health care fore everyone.

Alternative Medicine

Riley presents AAGL and Alternatives to Hysterectomy posted at All Rileyed Up, saying, "Minimally invasive alternatives to hysterectomies." Editor’s note: There are too many hysterectomies performed today for non-malignant conditions. The author points out that there are a number of minimally invasive treatment techniques available.

Carole Fogarty presents 14 Funky Ways To Calm Your Nerves Consistently: posted at THE HEALTHY LIVING LOUNGE, saying, "Do yourself a favor and add more deliberate moments of relaxation and deep rest into your day. This article is a reminder of the many ways you can put yourself first more often and soothe your nerves consistently."

Joel Gray presents Herbal Cancer Treatments [Give] A Boost To Your Cancer Fighting System posted at Health Tips 101, saying, “We have come a long way in our use of alternate medicines and many have had results that surpass those found in medical institutions, but the safest method is to first be diagnosed by a medical practitioner who can advise if alternate treatment is something that your particular cancer would respond well to. Check all avenues when starting any regimen of medical treatment and stay safe and well.”

Dental Care

Alexandr B.S. presents Top 4 Reasons To Try Dental Tourism posted at WorlDental, saying, "Have you heard about dental tourism? Well, if you’ve been trying to find a dentist in your own neighbourhood for a while now, you have probably been unsuccessful traveling abroad to receive dental care, whether you need some routine fixing up or you are looking for a more dramatic improvement to your smile, has become easier than ever. Here are some great reasons to take a chance on dental tourism"

dentalheroes presents Top 5 Sites to Search for a Dentist posted at Dental Heroes. Editor’s note: This is an excellent site to consult if you are looking for information on how to find a qualified dentist in your neighborhood.

Helene Zemel presents Dental Plans vs.Dental Insurance posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "Statistics show that as many as 7 out of 10 Americans do not have an affordable dental plan. This is a serious situation because dental and gum disease can effect your general health. A discount dental plan can be an affordable alternative to expensive dental insurance and often has important features not found in insurance programs."

Atif Farid presents 10 Tips for your perfect toothbrush posted at dratiffarid. Editor’s note: These are good tips to follow for the selection of a good toothbrush.

ChristianPF presents How to make homemade mouthwash posted at Money in the Bible Christian Personal Finance Blog. Editor’s note: An interesting idea for making a homemade mouthwash using natural ingredients.

Health Insurance

Khan presents Clearing Up Insurance Myths posted at Higher Education and Career Blog, saying, "We asked Dick Hospital, the Vice President of Underwriting for GEICO Insurance, to help dispel some of the most commonly held insurance myths" Editor’s note: This post has some valuable information on various types of insurance.

Helene Zemel presents November Special - AmeriPlan Discount Dental and Health Plans Just $20 posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "During the month of November, uninsured and underinsured Americans can try any of AmeriPlan's dental or health plans for just $20 for the first month and pay no enrollment fee."
Alvaro Fernandez presents
Online Cognitive Therapy OKed by Health Insurance posted at SharpBrains, saying, "helping consumers get a good night's sleep has become a priority for most of the top-tier U.S. health insurance companies, including WellPoint, Aetna, Cigna, Kaiser Permanente and several Blue Cross plans. Their new programs don't involve sleeping pills."

Data SystemsPlus -How To Info presents Does My Child Need Health Insurance? posted at Gerber Life Insurance. Editor’s note: If only we had this choice in the U.S. of whether to add private health insurance to that provided by the National Health Service.

Diet & Fitness

Valeria presents Take the Bull by the Horns: 12 Months, 12 Healthy New Habits Timeless Lessons posted at Timeless Lessons. Editor’s note : 12 great tips for healthier living.

Caffeine Junkie presents Caffeine Content posted at Caffeine Addiction, saying, "How to figure out the caffeine content in your drink."

Health Tips 101 presents 7 Reasons To Exercise For Lifetime Fitness posted at Health Tips 101. Editor’s note: The author presents 7 great reasons why exercise is beneficial for both mind and body.

Joshua Seth presents Drinking Water and Weight Loss posted at Joshua Seth Blog, saying, "In this quick video I explain the top 3 reasons to drink water before every meal. Drinking water is a healthy, natural way to lose weight and detox. For more info on this topic see my full article"

Mike Salara presents 5 Easy Steps to Get Fit posted at Mike Salara, saying, “working out does not have to be a life changing proposition.”

Harmonics in Cairns, Australia presents Upper Back Stretch posted at Harmonics in Cairns: Real Lifestyle Change, saying, "The upper back muscles attach to the shoulder blade (scapula) and the posterior of the thoracic rib cage. It is not unusual for these large muscle sheets to become irritated (myofascial pain)."

Peter presents The Ultimate Guide to Stress Relief posted at The Change Blog. Editor’s note: The author presents 3 helpful stress reduction techniques.

Dean Moyer presents Aquatic Therapy for Back Pain posted at The Back Pain Blog, saying, "One reason athletes and otherwise healthy men and women develop lower back pain is that they often overlook important key elements of fitness; not the least of which are exercises specifically designed to lubricate your joints."

Atif Farid presents 25 reasons to QUIT smoking posted at dratiffarid. Editor’s note: Reading this list will be a good incentive to quit smoking.

Consumer Driven Health Care

Aparna presents Energy saving fluorescent bulbs may cause skin rashes posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming, saying, "In a bid to save energy and do our bit to the environment, most of us have installed those slightly expensive, energy-saving, eco-friendly fluorescent light bulbs in our homes. But it looks like these bulbs are not as picture perfect as previously thought. A recent study has found that some of these energy-saving fluorescent bulbs (particularly those 'open' light bulbs, which are not surrounded by a glass case.) can cause reddening of the skin if used close to the body and for longer periods of time. UV radiation from these unencapsulated energy-saving bulbs can damage the skin if used closer than 30cm to the body, the experts warn."

Walter presents
iMedix: Reliable Health Search and Patient-to-patient Social Network\ posted at Highlight HEALTH 2.0, saying, "People are using the internet more than ever to search for health or medical information online. While much of it is credible, an equal or greater amount of misinformation also exists. The health 2.0 service iMedix combines a vertical health search engine with a patient-to-patient social network. Learn how iMedix is providing health consumers a way to find medical information that has been filtered for reliability and rated by patients with similar interests."

greg Group presents Who is the Best Hospital in America? - Associated Content posted at Associated Content, saying, “If my family is in an accident, what hospital will I choose? What physician is considered to be the best at savings lives?”.

greg Group presents How to Add Value Through Physician Employment - Associated Content posted at Associated Content, saying, “The best physician employment models are forces within their market. They add strategic value to their health system, patients and community through the health services they provide.”


Kim presents De Seco Lazy-Boy Recliner Sofa posted at Lazyboy Recliners, saying, "In this modern time even a sofa can be so luxurious. The modern sofas that can be reclined are things that would surprise those who do not know much about them."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of take charge of your health care using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Technorati tags: take charge of your health care, blog carnival.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

November Special - AmeriPlan Discount Dental and Health Plans Just $20

With over 47 million uninsured Americans and an even larger number of Americans who are underinsured and lack dental insurance, our country is in a health crisis. For many families, discount dental and medical plans provide an affordable alternative and valuable protection for their families. These plans provide very significant savings on all dental, medical, and ancillary services including vision, prescription, and chiropractic. Unlike traditional dental and health insurance policies, there are no waiting periods and all ongoing conditions are accepted.

All of our medical plans include the hospital advocacy program along with discounts on doctor visits, laboratory tests, imaging studies, and ancillary services. We have had some amazing testimonials with our hospital advocacy program. In one case a $30,000 hospital bill was reduced to just $600, and in another case a hospital bill for a 3 week stay in intensive care was reduced by $100,000. Our Prescription Advocacy Program provides free prescriptions to those who qualify income wise. See for more information on the AmeriPlan Prescription Advocacy Program.

During the month of November, uninsured and underinsured Americans can try any of our dental or health plans for just $20 for the first month and pay no enrollment fee. For example, our Total Health Plus Plan, which includes savings on dental, medical, prescription, vision, and chiropractic care would normally cost $39.95 for the monthly fee plus a $30 enrollment fee for a total first month’s charge of $69.95. Anyone signing up during the month of November would only pay $20 for the first month.

Here is a summary of our plans:

  1. Dental Plus – Save up to 80% on all dental services. Includes discounts on prescriptions, vision care, and chiropractic treatment. Savings are available on cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, orthodontia, and lasik eye surgery.

  2. Basic Health – Discounts on doctor visits, lab tests, hospital advocacy, hearing aids, diabetic supplies, a 24 hour Nurseline, and much more.

  3. Total Health – Includes everything in both the Dental Plus and Basic Health programs.

  4. Total Health Plus – This is our complete package. It includes everything in both the Dental Plus and Basic Health programs plus the AmeriPlan Auto Club, the AmeriPlan Identity Theft Assistance program, and AmeriPlan Legal Services.

Any of the above plans are just $20 for the first month. New members will also receive their choice of a Free Gas Certificate or Free Vacation Certificate. For more information visit:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Take Charge of Your Health Care - October 20, 2008

Welcome to the October 20, 2008 edition of take charge of your health care. With Halloween just a few days away, it is important to give attention to safety when you send your children out trick or treating. Make sure that they only visit homes that you know to be safe. In many cities, shopping malls provide a safe place for children to trick or treat. Even better, have your children attend parties well supervised by adults. While there is nothing wrong with small amounts of candy and sweet treats, consider offering more nutritional snacks to the ghosts and goblins that ring your door bell this Halloween.

There were many good articles in this month’s carnival which I know that you will enjoy. Starting with next month’s carnival, all articles accepted must allow for comments. Also, next month we will have a special Thanksgiving issue with recipes, safety, diet, and fitness tips just for the holiday. To your continued good health!

Alternative Medicine

Dr. Jason B Richards presents Why hasn't my OB recommended chiropractic care? posted at Pregnancy and Back Pain, saying, “You don’t need anyone’s approval to seek a chiropractic opinion about health issues affecting you and your child. Consulting another health care expert is always helpful in the decision-making process.”

Shelley Duncan presents Acupuncture is Not Scary! SheSue Experience posted at SheSue Experience, saying, "Rather than using a 'band-aid' approach, acupuncture is used to locate what is wrong in the body and fix it."

Dean Moyer presents Sciatica Relapse Question posted at The Back Pain Blog, saying, "In this post we take a look at how epidural steroid injections are administered for the treatment of lower back pain in Sciatica and Epidural Injections - The Procedure. This is the final installment in a series of posts designed to answer several common questions and concerns associated with epidural injections."

Consumer Driven Health Care

Pregnancy Hut presents 1 Week Pregnant posted at Pregnancy Calendar, saying, "What to do during your first week of pregnancy" Editor’s note: This is a must read blog for any of our pregnant readers. Very informative.

Verna Morris presents 25 Awesome Virtual Worlds for Doctors, Nurses, and Patients posted at Nursing Degree Guide, saying, “The online world is full of communities, virtual playgrounds, research centers and networking corners for everyone in the medical field–including patients–to get together and swap information and support.” Editor’s note: This post is an excellent resource for both healthcare practitioners and patients.

Kristen McCarthy presents Organic is Next to Godliness posted at, saying, "Organic products have become the food of the bourgeois –and I’m not talking about the kind of food historically only available to the rich: calf liver pâtés, speckled Emu eggs, and ninety-nine dollar square watermelons –instead, I’m talking about the essential food groups that ensure our nutrition: vegetables, fruit, grains, and dairy."

Dental Care

NAOMI presents CHANGING FACE OF BRITISH DENTISTRY posted at Diary From England, saying, "Good luck with your next carnival. I thought you and your readers might be interested to read about the continuing saga of dental healthcare in Britain." Editor’s note: Both in Europe and the United States people are traveling to other countries to receive affordable dental care.

Helene Zemel presents Dental Discount Plans - What are Discount Dental Plans? posted at Dental Discount Plans, saying, "Dental Discount Plans provide the consumer with an excellent choice for saving money on dental care. These affordable dental plans are reasonably priced alternatives to expensive and often inadequate dental insurance coverage."

Aparna presents Bad breath posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming. Editor’s note: Here are some good tips on how to detect bad breath before you go out in public.

Diet & Fitness

Marjorie presents Potassium-Rich Foods Preserve Muscle Mass posted at Laurel on Health Food, saying, "A recent study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that plant foods high in potassium help preserve muscle mass as people age."

Kelly Sonora presents 20 Reasons You Should Stop Consuming Bottled Water posted at Web Design Schools Guide. Editor’s note: Drinking bottled water may pose some hazards to your health.

Fiona King presents 50 Surprising Causes of Weight Gain posted at Nursing Degree Guide. Editor’s note: You will want to be aware of these possible contributors to weight gain.

Victoria E presents Seeing the Sustainable Side of Getting Limber and Centered posted at Victoria Everman :: Sustainable, Creative, Enlightened Living :: San Francisco. Editor’s note: This is a review of the book Green Yoga. The author says, “The book covers the timely issues of all our major life systems - land, water, air - along with the overall concept of Mother Earth.”

CorporateFlyer presents Food Safety Starts At Home posted at Flight Attendant, saying, "A bit of information on food safety."

The Push Up Coach presents Pros And Cons Of A Personal Trainer posted at The 1000 Push Ups Club, saying, "Some reasons for and against a personal trainer."

Fenny presents Latest Beauty Tips posted at Fenny Lopez, saying, "We at Latest Beauty Tips look forward to provide you the best. is a platform to discuss about beauty tips, fashion, health care, weight loss, cosmetic surgery, makeup trick and lot of similar issues. Please feel free to post all feedback, concerns, comments & suggestions here."

Dr Martin W. Russell presents Exercise For Weight Loss posted at Dr Martin W. Russell, saying, “There is so much misinformation around about the benefits of exercise, particularly in regard to weight loss.”

Tonya presents Am I Pregnant? posted at My Pregnancy Blog, saying, "Discusses the signs that you may be pregnant."

Alan H. Wayler, PhD presents Healthy Eating - Who Says Deprivation Leads to Overeating? posted at A Weight Lifted. Editor’s note: Some good common sense about forming health eating habits.

Carol Solomon presents EFT Tips: THE 60-SECOND TECHNIQUE THAT STOPS CRAVINGS posted at EFT Tips, saying, "This 60-second technique stops food cravings and the emotions that drive them."

Health Insurance

Alvaro Fernandez presents Allstate: Can we improve Driver Safety using Posit Science InSight? posted at SharpBrains: Your Window into the Brain Fitness Revolution, saying, "Where insurance meets brain health, aging and driving skills."

Michelle McFarland-McDaniels presents Funding Autism Treatment with Health Insurance posted at Autism Assistance Resources and Information, saying, “Despite the well-publicized difficulties and frustrations some families have encountered while attempting to fund autism treatment through health insurance policies, it is very much worth your effort to find out which autism treatments your insurance will cover and to proactively seek payment of any eligible covered expenses by your health insurance carrier.”

Alexander presents 4 Tips For Preparing for Medical Expenses posted at Wealth Junkies, saying, "The 4 tips for preparing for medical expenses are: Get insurance; Get preventive care; Build a rainy day fund; and Know your rights!"

Visitors Insurance presents Visitors Medical & Health Insurance posted at Visitors Medical Insurance, saying, "Get quotes and the best rates for USA visitor travel, international and medical insurance for visitors."

Save Money on Health Care

Fiona King presents Obama vs McCain on Healthcare: Top 10 Issues posted at US PharmD. Editor’s note: “This is a very timely article for those of us in the U.S.”

Helene Zemel presents Discount Dental & Medical Plans – A Free Gas Certificate for You posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "If you are one of the 47 million Americans who do not have a health plan or the 7 out of 10 Americans who do not have a dental plan, our AmeriPlan team is now offering all new members to our low cost affordable benefit plans a free Gas Certificate just for signing up and trying our program."

Michelle McFarland-McDaniels presents Autism Assistance Resources and Information: Funding Autism Treatment with Supplemental Security Income (SSI) posted at Autism Assistance Resources and Information. Editor’s note: The author provides some helpful information on how to apply for SSI benefits for your disabled child.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Smart Moves To Lower Your Health Care Costs posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Thank you!"

The Smarter Wallet presents How To Save Money On Generic Drugs posted at The Smarter Wallet. Editor’s note: To save money, always ask your health care provider for the generic version of a drug.

Pregnancy Hut presents How to Improve Your Chances of Conceiving posted at Pregnancy Calendar, saying, "Tips to help you conceive."

Linda W. presents Getting a Fertility Test posted at The Eclectic Female, saying, "How can you tell if you are having fertility problems?"

Joe Hayes presents Abdominal Hernia Symptoms & Treatment posted at Comments on: Abdominal Hernia Symptoms & Treatment, saying, "An abdominal hernia occurs when there is a tear or bulge in the inside layer of the abdominal wall. Surgery is the only treatment that will cure an abdominal hernia. It will not heal or "go away" on its own."

Miscellaneous presents Hogenakkal Falls: Part 1 posted at Editor’s note: Watching the beautiful videos of the Hogenakkal Falls had a very calming and relaxing effect on me.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of take charge of your health care using our
carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Technorati tags: take charge of your health care, blog carnival.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Welcome to the October 6, 2008, edition of the Carnival of Family Life! I am honored to have been asked to be the host for this week’s Carnival. I was impressed with the quality and variety of the posted articles on a wide range of topics including education, family meals, crafts and activities the whole family can enjoy, family finance, parenting tips, family health and wellness, family spirituality, and family travel.

As you read through these excellent articles, you will find helpful tips and ideas which will definitely benefit your family life. Remember that a strong family life is essential to your health and well being.


Laureen presents Geography in the School of the World posted at Life Without School. Editor's note: These are lessons about geography that your children will always remember.

Donald Latumahina presents 7 Essential Tips for Developing Skills posted at Life Optimizer, saying, "These tips will help you develop your skills and make your career more fulfilling."

Family Cooking & Recipes

Kelly from Almost Frugal presents Food and Stress: Cooking as a Working Mom posted at Almost Frugal Food. Editor's note: The author presents some great meal management tips for working moms.

SeaBirdChronicles presents Pumpkin bread in muffin form posted at SeaBird Chronicles, saying, "Pumpkin bread in muffin form!"

Family Crafts and Activities

Jocelyn presents Summer '08 Memoirs posted at A Pondering Heart. Editor's note: You'll enjoy these summer photos.

Stephanie presents The Annual Toy Clean Out posted at Stop the Ride!, reminding us that : "Cleaning out the toys is a worthwhile task."

Jen presents Get Spooked This Halloween (A Bit Like Secret Santa) posted at Jen's Genuine Life. "Secretly deliver Halloween treats to and 'spook' your neighbors, starting a fun chain reaction that will end up all over town!" writes Jen.

Katey Magill presents Wedding Tea Party posted at Having Fun at Home, describing "an inexpensive, unique and creative idea for a wedding."

Stephanie presents Make Personalized Glasses posted at Stop the Ride! Editor's note: This is a great crafts idea that your kids will enjoy.

Family Finance

The Smarter Wallet presents Freshman Fund: Save For College With A 529 Plan Registry posted at The Smarter Wallet, discussing a "novel savings tool" that you can use to save for your child's college education.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents How Stressed Are You? Rating The Most Stressful Financial Events posted at The Digerati Life, emphasizing "how financial stresses affect the family."

Michael presents Consumer Debt Worst Offenders: Banks, Advertisers, and Advisors posted at Michael Emilio, saying, "There’s never been a time like the one we’re in right now when families have such a financial burden hanging over their heads."

Raymond presents Where Is The Safest Place To Save Or Invest Your Money? posted at Money Blue Book. Editor's note: The author provides a list of safe places to invest your money for today's economic climate.

Alex Blackwell presents The Price of Fueling Our Lives: 15 Abundantly Free Ideas posted at The BridgeMaker, saying, "Even though our lifestyle is changing, it’s good to know our approach to life doesn’t have to change. Yes, the cost of gas is just plain stupid right now. But, we can continue to move forward and find ways to live the life we want."

Super Saver presents A Birthday Party for Our Daughter posted at My Wealth Builder. Editor's note: The extra money involved in having a party at a children's center is worth the savings in time, stress, and cleanup, and most important of all, everyone will have a great time, even the parents.

Family Health and Wellness

Aparna presents Common cold is so very common in winter posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming. Editor's note: These tips should keep you healthy and help you prevent colds.

Helene Zemel presents Silver Amalgam Dental Fillings - Are They a Risk to your Health? posted at Health Plans Plus. "The use of mercury in amalgam dental fillings has come under some controversy," Helene reports. Read about the "pros and cons of amalgam 'silver' fillings vs. composite fillings, including cost differences. The United States Food and Drug Admnistration is, like agencies in other countries, considering labeling restrictions on amalgam fillings."

Matthew presents HIV Management posted at Fast Medical Information, explaining that "HIV management is very important for anyone with the virus. With proper precautions, there is no reason people suffering from HIV can not live a long life."

Alvaro Fernandez presents Allstate: Can we improve Driver Safety using Posit Science InSight? posted at SharpBrains: Your Window into the Brain Fitness Revolution, discussing "where brain health meets driving safety."

Amy Vernon presents The trouble with greens posted at ice cream is not for breakfast.
"We're going to let our four-year-old start choosing his greens at the supermarket," Amy says. "Here's hoping that works." She'll keep readers updated.

Family Humor

Laura Scarborough presents spit bath posted at Adventures in Juggling, Faced with the prospect of mom washing his face," Laura's son takes matters into his own, er, hands.

Jenna684 presents A Pumpkin Patch, a Corn Silo, and a Sliced Finger posted at Beautifying The World One Clippie at a Time. Editor's note: Visiting a pumpkin patch can provide some great family time, but be careful about playing on old farm equipment.

Family Relationships and Self-Improvement

Vanessa presents A home of our Very own. And the start of a Journey posted at Our way to Happily Ever After . . ., saying, "I'll be using this blog to keep track of our life and journey to Happily Ever After...."

luvmy4sons presents The Great Communicator posted at Do You Weary Like I Do? Editor's note: Some reflections on the need for communication.

Charles H. Green presents The Guts of Trust posted at Trust Matters, describing what he has learned over the years"about being trusted and trusting."

Terence Gillespie presents Why I Live With My In-Laws! posted at Your Optimal Blog. "I can’t claim credit for the idea that my father and mother-in-law move in with us. Or that we move my mom from her nursing home into my office," Terence writes. "My wife saw the mounting nursing home bills, knew a baby was coming, and swung into action. By the time she was finished laying it all out, one night after work, she had a way to upgrade all of our lives. She was proposing we live like a family. A multi-generational family. It was outrageous!"

Family Spirituality/Belief/Worship

Minister Mamie L. Pack presents It's Football Time posted at The Life I Now Live. Editor's note: You will enjoy reading this inspirational post.

Shaun Connell presents Life Purpose 101 posted at Personal Development, opining that "the crux of a happy family is happy individual members." Shaun argues that happiness is achieved when each family member understands "their life purpose, and how they can achieve it."

Family Travel

Hilary Green presents How To Choose a Family Car posted at Cars for Girls, saying, Choosing the right vehicle for your new family or growing brood doesn’t need to be difficult if you have a good idea of what you want and a check-list to get you started off in the right direction.

Bridget Smith presents Don’t Forget Your Shoes! posted at Family Adventure Guidebooks. "This inaugural post for the Family Adventure Guidebooks blog reminds readers that, for parenting and traveling, flexibility and a sense of humor are always required," according to Bridget.

Sheila Scarborough presents Travel budget squished? How to find the best hotel deals posted at Family Travel Guide, offering "some of my best tips for saving on the checkout bill."

Parenting Tips and Advice

Suzanne presents mean mama confessions posted at adventures in daily living. Author's note: These are some good habits to teach your children.

Abel Cheng presents Parenting A Teenager: Tips On Personalizing Your Approach posted at Parent Wonder, reminding us that when dealing with teens, "remember who your child is at his core and use that information to find a way to communicate with him."

Kevin presents Long Distance/Virtual Parenting posted at More4kids, saying, "Thanks to technology it is also possible for the parent that is away to send email messages, instant message and even do a video conference online."

Thank you all for participating in the Carnival this week!

Submit a blog article for the October 13, 2008, Edition of the Carnival, hosted at On the Horizon, by clicking here!

The Carnival archive can be viewed here.

Interested in hosting a future edition? Review the schedule here and then drop a line indicating the week you would like to have the Carnival visit your site!