Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Stuffing with Cinnamon Goodness

The beneficial effects of cinnamon on glucose metabolism have been well publicized. There have been numerous scientific studies that have demonstrated that cinnamon improves blood glucose levels in Type 2 Diabetics as well as lowering lipid and triglyceride levels.

Every Thanksgiving, our family gets together with some close friends that we met when we were both homeschooling our daughters. The wife and mother of the family that we share Thanksgiving with is an excellent cook. She makes all of the trimmings from salad and appetizer through dessert, but it is my turkey and stuffing that everyone requests.

I make the turkey in the traditional way, but I use a sweet stuffing recipe that I inherited from my mother. I am not one to use measuring spoons and cups, so my measurements are approximate. Actually for best results, give a quick taste to the mixture and sweeten according to your taste. I have made some recommendations for adapting the recipe for diabetics who must watch their sugar intake. For best results cook your turkey in a moderate oven and baste frequently.

Here is my stuffing recipe:


1 loaf of white bread
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 small bananas (apples) cut up
1/4 cup of chopped chestnuts (optional and in season)
1 or 2 eggs for moistness


Moisten the loaf of white bread and break apart into a mixing bowl. Add 1 or 2 eggs for additional moistness. Add the cut up fruit slices. Add sugar and cinnamon. You can use more or less of the recommended sugar and cinnamon to taste. Mix well until you get a smooth consistency. Stuff the turkey and cook as you would with any other stuffing.

This stuffing can be used with chicken or Cornish hens. As an alternative, you can bake in the oven at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. This makes a tasty bread pudding.

For those who must control their sugar intake, fructose makes an excellent substitute for sugar and has a similar consistency. Also, any sugar substitutes designed for baking can be substituted for the sugar. As an alternative, simply reduce the amount of sugar used in the recipe.

Happy holidays!


Anonymous said...

Make sure that you use real Cinnamon in your recipe and reduce on the sugar.

The Cinnamon that is sold in the US is actually Cassia.

Cassia has a chemical called coumarin which could be toxic.

Please click the link below to read more.

Anonymous said...

Hey there! It looks like you enjoy cooking and baking. I read that is having a cooking/baking contest. Why not try that out?:)