Health Plans Plus is delighted to be hosting the First Course of the Second "A Soup to Nuts Carnival." I know that you will enjoy reading these well written and informative blog posts on a variety of topics as much as I did.
The idea of a carnival is basically to bring a number of blogs together in one place so they can all benefit from a promotional effort. There is no better way to connect with other blogospherians than to do blog carnivals.
SOUP TO NUTS is the only progressive dinner carnival in the blogosphere. One carnival, presented in five parts.
We're proud to have collected a large number of great posts from a wide variety of blogospherians. Blogs from around the globe are represented, the new and the well established. We ask that you visit all five courses of the dinner; some blogs have posts in more than one course, others appear only once.
You can benefit from visiting the carnival by checking out the blogs represented and writing comments. That will lead to you getting new visitors, to increasing your traffic, to receiving more comments and to having invitations to exchange links.
Once you've finished enjoying the First Course here, the dinner continues at the following locations...
- Main Course at Simple Pleasures
- Dessert at Kilroy's The Gonzo Papers
If you missed any of the previous courses, check them out here...
- Hors d'oeuvres and cocktails at The Soul And The Witness
- Appetizer at Musings Of A Manic Mom
The Soup to Nuts First Course
Diet, Health, Nutrition
Lane presents Vegan Cream of Asparagus Soup posted at Vegan Bits.
Suzanne presents pumpkin soup posted at :: adventures in daily living ::.
AlexBo presents Tips for Healthy Eating posted at World Dental Health.
Helene Zemel presents Discount Dental and Health Plans - A Free Gift for You posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "If you are uninsured or underinsured, AmeriPlan's discount dental and health plans can help you save money on your healthcare. Now you can receive a free gift when you sign up for one of our benefit plans."
James D. Brausch presents Is Your Keyboard Making You Fat? posted at Weight Loss Dude.
James Brausch presents Costa Rican Food posted at Costa Rica HQ.
Jose DeJesus MD presents Discouraging Frivolous Malpractice Lawsuits posted at Physician Entrepreneur.
Nunoftheabove presents There is no bigotry in numbers: the truth about AIDS research « Nunoftheabove posted at Nunoftheabove. Examination of the research dollars spent on aids versus other diseases that claim more fatalities per year.
TheReadingZone presents Environmental Issues in the Classroom posted at The Reading Zone. Ideas for Earth Day in the classroom.
Christine presents The French School System and Sex Education posted at Me, My Kid and Life.
Sophie presents The French School System posted at Life Junkie.
Personal Growth
Alex Blackwell presents How Much is Too Much? posted at The Next 45 Years.
Alex Landis presents Dealing With The Negative People In Your Life posted at Alex discusses how to deal with the negative people in your life by understanding where their pessimism comes from and by providing tips to handle that negativity.
Lin Burress presents Are You An Enabler? Identifying Early Warning Signs of Enabling Behaviors posted at Telling It Like It Is.
Elizabeth presents Small steps that ignite the flame of passion! posted at The best is yet to come! A blog where dreams give way 2 passion & success leads 2 destiny!. This blog discusses the steps that you need to have success when going after your dreams with passion!
Abutei presents What's In Your Head posted at How to Abutei.
Gregg Fraley presents Personal Innovation posted at Gregg Fraley, Author of Jack's Notebook.
Rich Vosler presents Don't let your struggles defeat you posted at Rich Vosler Sales Training.
Business & Finance
Rebecca Suzanne Dean presents Stop Thinking. Begin Testing! posted at Rebecca Dean.
Blue presents Credit Cards That Offer Gas Rewards and Cash Back posted at Money Blue Book: Personal Finance Blog.
Thomas D. Brownsword presents Work: A Mixed Blessing posted at Business Action Steps.
Rena Williams presents The Vehicle To A Successful Retirement posted at Your Success Corner.
Brice Hogan presents The Way to Financial Independence posted at Create a sound plan to create financial independence.
Rena Williams presents Applied Knowledge posted at Balanced Success.
Tarakananda presents What Did Jesus Really Say in the Sermon on the Mount? posted at The Atma Jyoti Blog. In this, the first of a special eight part series, "A New Look at the Beatitudes", we will be using "The New Testament: An Expanded Translation", by Kenneth Wuest since it presents the more philosophical side of Jesus words. To do this, it is extremely literal, sometimes so much so that the English is awkward, but it extracts the full meaning of the Greek wording. The esoteric understanding, of course, will be up to us.
Jeffrey Stingerstein presents The False Position of Agnosticism posted at Disillusioned Words.
fire_fly presents Memoirs from the Flophouse posted at Life of Jeremy. Funny stories from working at a Waikiki hotel!
babs mountjoy presents Shootout at the Mango Corral, Part I posted at Awalkabout's Weblog. The first of two parts of a very scary true story about living in South Florida.
Jason Isbell presents I Am... [Poem] Tired Garden posted at Tired Garden.
This concludes the First Course of the Soup to Nuts Carnival. Thanks for stopping by Health Plans Plus.