Welcome to the May 2009 edition of take charge of your health care. This is our getting ready for summer edition. As I write this, it is Memorial Day weekend here in the United States. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifice made by our men and women in uniform to keep us safe. It is a tragedy that man has to resort to killing others in the name of war and over the millennia has not learned to live in harmony with his or her fellow human kind. Fortunately most of us are very helpful to one another. Even after the terrible tragedy of 9/11 that took place only about 26 miles from where I live on Long Island, New York, I was heartened to see all of the people who came to the aid of the victims and our city. Those of us who are health care writers and/or practitioners are doing our part in bringing helpful information to others. Thanks for your contributions to this carnival.
The H1N1 Swine Flu has been in the news lately. We have a number of articles which address this issue. Do your best to keep your immune system healthy and get plenty of rest while this pandemic is going on. Also use common sense techniques such as frequent hand washing and staying out of large crowds when possible.
My roses bloomed early this year. I already brought some cut roses into the house, and I am about to have a yard full of roses. This brings us to the subject of healthy outdoor living. As always, our readers have brought us some good and timely information.
Healthcare reform is very much in the news here in the U.S. We have some good articles on health insurance as well as some tips on how to save money on your healthcare. On an editorial note, one of the problems that we have here in the U.S., is that our healthcare system was originally set up to be an employer pay system. With the recession and fewer companies able to pay the exorbitant cost, this system has led to 47 million uninsured Americans and even more underinsured. I'm sorry to see that Obama is thinking more along the lines of a hybrid system, including a choice of business and a national system, when a single payer universal system would offer the best cost savings. I do believe that our president is concerned about the state of healthcare in this country, and any reform will be very welcome.
Because of the success that I have had with this carnival, I am starting a new carnival next month called “The Work at Home Family Carnival.” The host blog for this carnival will be: www.workathomemom-dad.blogspot.com. Read the article http://workathomemom-dad.blogspot.com/2009/05/introducing-work-at-home-family.html which introduces the new carnival for more information.
I had over 200 submissions to Take Charge of Your Health Care Carnival this month. Please limit your submissions to just 2 per author per carnival. To keep the carnival fresh and interesting, starting next month, I will no longer publish weight loss blog posts. If you feel that you have new and ground breaking information on the subject of weight loss, you can e-mail me directly for consideration of your article otherwise it will not be posted. Also, if your post looks like an ad, and I can’t post a comment, your submission will not be posted. Also, make sure that your article is readable. I will also not list products or diets that I feel are extreme or unsafe. Thanks for your cooperation.
Alternative Medicine
Helene Zemel presents Sound Advice from Vice President Biden on Protecting Your Family from the Flu posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, “Much ado has been made about Vice President Joe Biden’s remark on advice that he would give his own family members on how to protect against the H1N1 flu better known as the Swine Flu.”
Deb Serani presents A Life of "Weisure" posted at Dr. Deb, saying, "this post looks at the trend of "Weisure". How we are blurring work and leisure and leaving little time for refueling."
Kelly Sonora presents 25 Ancient, Proven Home Remedies With Science Behind Them posted at Nursing Assistant Guides. Editor’s note: Many herbs have proven medicinal benefits. This is a good list to start with.
floid presents Raw Garlic for Your Health posted at Branches Of Health, saying, For centuries now, people have been using garlic to treat numerous conditions and ailments and these people have been reeping the garlic benefits.”
Kalidasda presents 30 Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue Natural Healing and Back Pain Relief posted at Natural Healing and Applied Kinesiology, saying, “Do you feel tired all the time? Maybe you get plenty of sleep and just don’t feel rested. Or maybe you have trouble sleeping. Low energy? Difficulty thinking or focusing? These are all symptoms of adrenal fatigue.”
Kalidasda presents Broken Bone Healing In Half The Time Or Better, My New Broken Arm posted at Natural Healing and Applied Kinesiology. Editor’s note: Supplements can help bones heal quicker.
Tami Blodgett presents Emotional Release through Time Empowerment Techniques posted at Online Wellness: A Safe Haven, saying, "Achieving Professional Excellence: Whether you’re already succeeding in your profession, having some difficulties, or if you’re transitioning into a new position, NLP and Time Empowerment™ techniques can help you achieve, maintain and enhance excellence. Achieving Personal Excellence: Whether in your family life, personal relationships, health, or breaking through a creative barrier, Time Empowerment™ techniques can help you break through limitations and achieve the results you desire."
Megan Wong presents SWINE FLU FAST BASIC FACTS posted at Sinus Home Remedy. Editor’s note: Some timely information on the H1N1 flu pandemic that has hit Mexico and the United States.
Megan Wong presents Are You Willing To Use Antibiotics For Sinus Infections following Mother Nature Secrets posted at Sinus Home Remedy, saying, “Do you know that antibiotics for sinus infections are abundantly provided by our Plant Kingdom, but antibiotics in its most natural form having fewer side effects than prescribed drugs and are very effective in treating sinus infections.”
Terry Young presents Could Magnetic Therapy Be The Answer ? posted at How To Relieve Chronic Low Back Pain, saying, "It is truly a time-tested therapy, which has been around since 2000 BC. The Ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Indians and Greeks were among the first to use it and give recognition to its’ therapeutic benefits."
Brandon Harshe presents Oil Changes and Upper Cervical Adjustments: A Close Similarity The Atlas of Life posted at The Atlas of Life, saying, “Just like getting an oil change maintains the health of your vehicle, getting your Upper Cervical spine checked and/or adjusted on a regular basis is key to allowing your body to function at 100%.”
WP presents 5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune Health posted at The Conscious Life, saying, "With A (H1N1) flu virus on the loose, it is all the more important to strengthen our immunity. Find out how you can strengthen your immune health and ward off bacteria and viruses with these natural and easy-to-use methods."
floid presents Help Keep Small Farms Alive!! posted at Branches Of Health, saying, “Buying locally is a great way to ensure that the food you are eating IS safe. These farmers’ livelihood depends on their reputation and word of mouth; they cannot risk doing anything that could compromise their products.”
00FF00 presents Repel mosquitoes naturally - 5 tips by Rachelle Strauss – ooffoo.com posted at ooffoo, saying, "Five safe and natural remedies for mosquitoes. Read on for alternatives to the many over the counter remedies for mosquitoes which contain harmful ingredients"
Marrian Garzon presents Relieve Back Muscle Pain posted at Back Pain Relief Tips, saying, “Almost everyone who has back muscle pain can warm up to the idea of soothing sore, aching muscles with heat. But who ever heard of treating your back muscle pain by curling up in bed with a shockingly cold ice pack?”
Marrian Garzon presents Low Back Pain posted at Back Pain Relief Tips, saying, “Whether you have recently had an acute case of low back pain, or have a chronic and ongoing painful condition, you can begin to address your needs with some basic preparation exercises.”
Jocke Adepoju presents 5 Plants Used for Eczema Treatment posted at Eczema Treatment, saying, “You may not know it yet, but a natural eczema treatment may be right in your garden or kitchen.”
Jocke Adepoju presents Best Supplement for Mood Swings posted at Mood Swings, saying, “Moods swings are not a disease or condition in and of themselves. They are actually a symptom of a condition. Unless the condition was caused by an underlying disease, mood swings can often be attributed to a vitamin and mineral deficiency.”
Carole Gold presents Miracle Healing posted at Carole Gold, saying, "A miracle healing following medical negligence."
Wendy Brook presents Internal Hemorrhoids posted at Hemorrhoid Treatment, saying, "Informative blog about internal hemorrhoids and its nature"
Beauty (Healthy Hair and Skin)
Local Nourishment presents To Screen or Nourish: Summer Skin posted at Local Nourishment, saying, “What if moderation really is the key and a time spent each day in bright sunlight and fresh air will help our body cleanse itself and remain healthier in the long run?”
Melanie presents How to Get Rid of Skin tags posted at How to Get Rid Of, saying, "If you have been struggling with skin tags, you must be looking for a way to get rid of them!"
PK Shukla presents Latest Beauty Tips posted at Fenny Lopez, saying, "We at Latest Beauty Tips look forward to provide you the best. Latest-Beauty-Tips.com is a platform to discuss about beauty tips, fashion, health care, weight loss, cosmetic surgery, makeup trick and lot of similar issues. Please feel free to post all feedback, concerns, comments & suggestions here."
Farid presents Mineral Makeup Jane Iredale, GloMinerals, Mineral Cosmetics posted at Mineral Makeup101, saying, "One of the most popular types of makeup to take the beauty cosmetics market by storm is something called Mineral Makeup. These are cosmetics products formulated with all natural, finely ground minerals from the earth, minus the chemicals, dyes, and preservatives found in traditional makeup. From foundations to loose powders and blushes, there's now a wide variety of mineral makeup products at a wide variety of prices, ranging from less than $12 to more than $55 per product."
Farid presents Puffiness around Eyes Treat, Reduce Under Eye Puffiness posted at Puffiness around the eye, saying, "At one time or another, we've all experienced a day when we've had puffiness under the eyes, something we also often call "bags" under the eyes. What we perceive as puffiness is a form of fluid buildup under the skin. Some degree of puffiness can be normal, which is something that varies with each individual. However, certain internal and external factors can exasperate the puffiness."
Courtney presents Healthy Hair Means A Healthy Internal Body posted at Female and Proud, saying, "Eating foods that are high in B vitamins are crucial to the development of healthy hair." Editor’s note: I have a problem with the link to the article itself, so click on Female and Proud and scroll down to read the article.
Consumer Driven Health Care
Beth L. Gainer presents A Train Car Named Quagmire posted at Calling the Shots, saying, "This is a true story of my self-advocacy in a public arena: a train car, whose passengers got to see and hear first-hand how to advocate for oneself through the medical system." Editor’s note: This is a great post on the importance of self advocacy.
Beth L. Gainer presents 'You're Too Young for Breast Cancer' posted at Calling the Shots, saying, "This article reminds everyone that doctors can be wrong when they say a person is too young to get breast cancer."
Erika Collin presents How to Prepare for a Pandemic: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources posted at Masters in Health Care. Editor’s note: The author has presented some excellent tips and resources to help you prepare for a possible flu pandemic.
Erika Collin presents 25 Best Twitter Feeds to Follow the Swine Flu posted at Masters of Healthcare. Editor’s note: You will want to follow these twitter feeds from government and news organizations for breaking news on swine flu.
Concerning Kids presents Raising A Highly Sensitive Child posted at Concerning Kids. Editor’s note: One of the most important things that you can do as a parent is to help your child develop his or her self esteem. This will give them the confidence to do well and help them avoid mental health problems.
Kelly Sonora presents 25 Excellent Social Media Sites for Your Health posted at Nursing Assistant Guides. Editor’s note: The author has provided an excellent resource of social media sites that provide health news.
Stanley Samuel presents A glimpse into the future IV - Cancer Research posted at Wall & Main. Editor’s note: This article shows some encouraging cancer research progress.
Mesquite Pete presents Interesting Facts About Mosquitoes posted at Mosquito Basics, saying, "Mosquitoes are annoying, but when you really start to study them, you can find out some surprisingly interesting things about them."
Mesquite Pete presents How to Treat Mosquito Bites posted at Mosquito Basics, saying, "Everything you need to know about treating a mosquito bite."
Sam presents NEW !! Prevent and Cure Colon Cancer posted at Surfer Sam and Friends, saying, "We know how to prevent and cure colon cancer. But colon cancer still killed over 56,000 men and women last year. Many of them didn't have to die. Ninety percent of colon cancer can be prevented and cured. A simple exam called a colonoscopy can detect and remove the cause of colon cancer."
Roy Schwartz presents Abdominal Pain – Is It Serious? posted at A Disease A Day. Editor’s note: Very informative post. Good information.
Alvaro Fernandez presents Maintain Your Brain and Stay Sharp: An Upcoming Guide and Resource posted at SharpBrains, saying, "You may be reading all about brain fitness and brain training. It seems every week brings a new barrage of articles and studies which often contradict what you read the month before: Does Gingko Biloba help delay Alzheimer’s Disease? Can physical exercise help you stay sharp as you age? Which computer-based “brain fitness programs”, if any, are worth your money?"
Amy B. Scher presents Medical Tourism: Tips To Start Your Journey posted at Healthcare Hacks. Editor’s note: This is an informative post on the subject of medical tourism.
Debbie Ducker presents Eye Exercises to Naturally Correct Vision posted at Plugged-N Free RSS Blog Advertising, saying, "I found this article and was so impressed with it I had to pass it on. It" Editor’s note: The author presents information on visual training and eye exercises to improve your vision.
Abdulrasool Sumar presents Prevention of Lung Cancer when You are at Risk, or when You Already Have Lung Cancer posted at Mesothelioma, saying, "As the old adage goes, prevention is better than cure! In this topic, we will explore the types of things you should do to prevent or avoid developing lung cancer if you don't already have it. If you do already have it, we will discuss how to minimize the symptoms, live a better life and steps to better pain management. Some reasons why patients could potentially develop lung cancer include exposure to Asbestos or Radon, smoking cigarettes or tobacco related products, second-hand smoke, or if your family member has lung cancer and you are close to that person or through other environmental factors."
Roy Schwartz presents Chest Pain – Is It a Heart Attack? posted at A Disease A Day. Editor’s note: The author provides good information on the possible causes of chest pain.
Victoria Jennings presents Thoughts On Vaccines posted at My Path, saying, "With the swine flu in the media, let us talk about vaccines some."
nissim ziv presents Reasons to Quit Smoking Cigarettes Why Quit Smoking? posted at Quit Smoking Guide. Editor’s note: The author presents 13 good reasons to quit smoking.
nissim ziv presents What to expect when you Quit Smoking Cigarettes posted at Quit Smoking Guide, saying, “Quitting Smoking is not an easy task. However, you have the best chance of quitting if you are clear in mind what you are up against.”
Yoav B presents Things you know that you don't know posted at Israeli Soldier's LIFE & THOUGHTS, saying, "Funny post about medicine in the Israeli army, and probably any other typical army medicine out there"
Den Levin presents Specific Phobias Battle Anxiety: Tips to Help Reduce And Control Anxiety posted at Battle Anxiety, saying, "A specific phobia is a type of anxiety disorder."
Vichuda presents Indonesia Combat Aids Ignorance posted at Kota Medan City Indonesia, saying, “These tragedies remind us that people living with HIV/AIDS are still vulnerable to human rights violations such as discrimination as well as social exclusion. These heartbreaking stories show how hard it is for such people to live with dignity.”
Dental Care
Peggy presents Natural tooth care and no more morning breath posted at Local Nourishment. Editor’s note: The author has done considerable research on ingredients that kill mouth bacteria and shares a recipe for a home made mouth wash.
samuel james presents Dentists - Why Do We Need To Go and Should We Fear Them? posted at Take Care Of Your Teeth. Editor’s note: Dental anxiety is a common problem. Be sure to seek out a dentist who will help you feel more relaxed and comfortable in the dental chair.
Aparna presents Sanitize your toothbrush posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming, saying, "We often neglect little things of life; but little things do matter"
Diet & Fitness
Helene Zemel presents Despite the Weak Economy, Sales of Nutritional Supplements are Up posted at Work at Home Mom and Dad, saying, "Since the start of the economic recession, we read every day how retail sales are down for almost every product category including cars, restaurant meals, clothing, jewelry, and movies and entertainment. Despite the gloomy economic picture, there is one bright light. Sales of nutritional supplements have been increasing."
South Beach Steve presents Cinnamon, Diabetes, and Heart Health posted at Log My Loss. Editor’s note: The author reports on research showing the beneficial effects of cinnamon on blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides.
FitBuff presents Top 10 Lower Cholesterol Foods posted at FitBuff.com's Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog, saying, "You may be able to lower your cholesterol without expensive medications by eating more of these lower cholesterol foods..."
robert galway presents Sports and Fitness posted at robertgalway.com, saying, "Active people are also spending more and more time in fitness clubs, working to stay in shape so they can play the sports they love. Baby boomers have more time than ever before to be active, and there are also many who take to fitness to combat health issues such as obesity."
robert galway presents What is Healthy Eating posted at robertgalway.com, saying, What is healthy eating? It’s eating the types and amounts of foods that promote the best possible health for you within the limits of your environmental and genetic makeup."
Verna Morris presents 25 Bookmark-worthy Cheat Sheets for Healthy Living posted at Nursing Assistant Guides, saying, “You are what you eat, and others are making it easier to find those healthy food choices.”
lavender presents High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury, study finds posted at News for Freedom Daily. Editor’s note: We all need to be aware of the mercury levels in our foods.
Joel Gray presents Learn About The History And Health Benefits Of Sassafras Tea posted at Health Tips 101, saying, “When turning to herbal tea, it is best for individuals to approach them with care. They should learn everything they can about a product, before introducing it to their bodies. This way they can get all the health benefits of tea, without the harmful effects!”
Kara-Leah Grant presents Am I a bad yogi because I want to eat steak? posted at Prana Flow NZ, saying, "You’re practicing yoga and you want to eat vegan, yet every time you go out to dinner all you feel like eating is steak. What to do, what to do?"
FitJerk presents Grunt You Wimp! - Increase Power In Your Workouts posted at FlawlessFitness, saying, "Today we are going to cover a controversial topic that can actually increase your power output by 20% when you understand how to use it!"
FitJerk presents Building Muscle Mass By Eating More? Carbs? Why Gluconeogenesis Is Your Enemy posted at FlawlessFitness, saying, "Most know that protein is the fundamental element that you need to eat to build rock hard muscles, and carbs are something you should cut down on to avoid getting fat. Right? WRONG! Learn the secret carb to protein ratio that explodes muscle mass!"
Chris presents These Tough Guys Did Martial Arts…For Health posted at Martial Development, saying, "Arthritis, bronchitis, cancer...these are just a few of the many conditions that have been cured through the practice of martial arts."
Renato Garcia presents $1000 Million Secret: RESVERATROL posted at FOUNTAIN of YOUTH: secrets revealed, saying, "Resveratrol is one of the most exciting antioxidants out there, as it’s been found to extend life, prevent Alzheimer’s disease and inhibit the spread of cancer."
Local Nourishment presents But how much sugar is that posted at Local Nourishment. The author reports on a website that lets you actually visualize the sugar content of foods. You will be in for a surprise when you view these graphics.
Ralph Jean-Paul presents Lessons Learned During My Self-Discipline Fast posted at ralphs words, saying, "The benefits and lessons I learned during a challenging juice fast."
Tristan presents Diet And Fitness Program posted at Body And Fitness Blog, saying, "A useful article about diet and fitness to help get you into shape and losing weight quickly."
Mike Robbins presents Wedding Weight Loss posted at BODY SOLID FITNESS, saying, "Every year about this time I get e-mails from brides to be, in a panic."
Pius Ephenus presents Better Living Through Technology posted at http://www.wellnessfitnessblogger.com/, saying, "You can do a lot to improve your physical fitness in your living room, your garden or even sitting at the dinner table, if you have the time and inclination and the needs that can be served by such a regime. But depending on the levels of fitness you may be trying to attain, there are certainly ways and means to ramp up how much you can improve on different aspects of your fitness."
Pius Ephenus presents You Are What You Eat posted at http://www.wellnessfitnessblogger.com/, saying, "There are many drawbacks to having a poor diet. Not only will constant takeaways and microwave meals cause you to put on weight, they will have an effect on so many other parts of your make-up that you will suffer more than you can possibly believe. The effects on the waistline are the first that people will notice, but you will also have less energy, your skin will suffer and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that your mental well-being will be affected as well. Your body needs the nutrients that fresh food provides, otherwise it will suffer. "
Cash Tree presents Omega 3 Fatty Acids and the Heart posted at Omega 3 Fatty Acids and the Heart, saying, "The mechanisms by which omega 3 fatty acids reduce CVD risk remain under investigation. However, research to date suggests that ALA, EPA and DHA can lower risk of mortality from heart disease. The omega 3"s can reduce the chance of uncontrolled heart rhythms and developing fatal blood clots, two major causes of heart disease deaths. Omega 3's, therefore, lower the chances that heart attacks will be fatal"
Dejan Banovic presents All About What You Gain posted at Weight Loss Writings, saying, “Well, losing weight is just like quitting smoking, the more good reasons you have to do it, the more likely you are to act on it and make it happen.”
Dejan Banovic presents Melt That FAT Away! posted at Weight Loss Writings, saying,” permanent weight loss requires you to make changes to your lifestyle. If you do not change your lifestyle then no matter what diet or supplement you choose, weight loss is temporary and short lived.”
Jack Russel presents Buy Acai And Get These Benefits posted at Pure Acai - Acai Berry Info Blog, saying, "No other food known has been as widely ascribed with health benefits as acai berries. These small blue-purple berries have a vast wealth of nutrients stored in them. These nutrients and other benefits have made The Acai berry widely recommended by health specialists and dieticians."
C. Anderson presents Should You Try Jenny Craig? Losing Weight Feels Great posted at Simplicity for Weight Loss Success, saying, "Jenny Craig is a popular weight loss program. Is it for you?"
Cory presents Sneaky Sources Of Sugar In Your Diet posted at Eating Healthy, saying, "Cutting back on sugar is a key factor in losing weight."
Cory presents What Is The Mediterranean Diet? posted at Eating Healthy, saying, "Description of the Mediterranean Diet."
Paul Hooper presents A Real Deal Body Transformation System posted at online-niche-store.com, saying, "Whether it be just a couple of extra pounds or 50 or more pounds you want to lose and develop a solid muscle structure, it is possible for all of us..."
Health Insurance
jim presents Negotiating Your Medical Bills posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity. Editor’s note: Did you know that you can negotiate with your doctor or hospital for better rates. The author tells you how.
marjorie presents Where to Start With COBRA posted at Wealth Junkies, saying, "The idea behind COBRA is fairly well known. Federal law requires insurance companies to give employees the ability to continue health insurance coverage after they leave a job. The exact amount of time a person can hang on to COBRA coverage after leaving a job varies and coverage can be expensive — but under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, it’s possible to get a subsidy towards COBRA coverage. But understanding your access to COBRA coverage requires a little more knowledge than the basics."
Corbett Barr presents You made the country more productive, so why can’t you get health care? posted at Free Pursuits. Editor’s note: The author writes about the difficulties and expense for self employed people in finding affordable health insurance.
Jim DeSantis presents 3 Major Ways Your Life Insurance Company May Be Scamming You posted at On Line Tribune Health, saying, "You are being foolish by not having Life Insurance to cover your dependents in the eventuality of your untimely death. At the same time, there are integrity issues surrounding Life Insurance companies and smooth-talking agents you need to watch for. Here are the 3 major ways that some Life Insurance companies and agents can scam you."
Silicon Valley Blogger presents Get The Right Coverage! Insurance Policies You Need and Those To Avoid posted at The Digerati Life, saying, " What insurance policies should we own? From auto insurance coverage to health insurance and homeowner’s policies, we discuss what coverage to get and what we consider optional.”
Biotunes presents Tax corn products for health care posted at Bioblog by Biotunes, saying, "Some ways we could find the money for a universal, government health plan"
Save Money on Health Care
The Smarter Wallet presents 12 Ways To Save On Drugs: Cut Your Medication Costs posted at The Smarter Wallet. Editor’s note: These 12 tips will definitely save you money on your prescription drugs.
Buck Weber presents Save Money on Meds posted at THE BUCK LIST, saying, "How do you get the highest quality drugs you need for the lowest price? One option is to purchase what you need using the internet."
Joe E presents Bartering for Lower Health Care Costs?…Sounds Strange but Works! posted at Promote Health, saying, "The tried-and-true technique of bartering doesn't just work at flea markets, car dealerships, or when purchasing a home - it applies to health care as well. Here's how..."
CreditCardAssist.com presents Paying Medical Bills With Credit Cards posted at Credit Card Assist, saying, “It is becoming more and more common for people with high medical bills to pay for them with credit cards.” Editor’s note: If you are without health insurance, try negotiating rates with your health care provider or hospital. A discount health plan can do this for you.
Women’s Health
SJ presents Birthing Position That Makes Your Delivery Easy posted at Pregnancy Info, saying, "Certain birthing positions are more comfortable than others."
Pregnancy Hut presents Preparing for Your Baby ?Recipes that Freeze Well posted at Pregnancy Calendar, saying, "Preparing meals and freezing them is good planning when having a baby."
Jack Russel presents What You Should Know About Acai And Pregnancy posted at Acai Berry Info Blog, saying, "Do acai and pregnancy go together? Is Acai supplements safe to take during the entire pregnancy? The answers will surprise you."
Cash Tree presents ?Organic? Is More Than Just Edibles posted at Organic Baby Wearhouse, saying, "When we tell people about Organic Baby Wearhouse, all too often the response is "How are clothes even organic" or "How is organic any better than regular baby clothing". More and more people are beginning to accept and embrace organic foods, but when it comes to clothing there is often a disconnect. Many just don't understand the problems with traditionally produced clothing and the benefits (health and environmental) of organic baby clothing."
David Miller presents Software to send you to sleep posted at Windows Mac and Mobile. Editor’s note: Try these to help you get to sleep.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of take charge of your health care using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.